Thursday, October 29, 2009

Static and Fluid Web Layouts

On designing a site the question of static or fluid comes into question for the layout and how monitor size will affect your design and final layout.

How a fluid layout or now better known as a dynalmic layout, works is that the site is measured in percent according to size of display so it can modify and adapt to how a viewer needs it to be.A fluid layout will shrink and grow to fit the display window. The content then adapts with it and text on lines becomes longer or shorter and the content is very much more manageable for the user to how they want it.

An example of fluid layout is

A static layout uses a fixed pixel measurement for placement of the sites content. What this is, if the user had to make the browser window smaller, you view less content and you will have to scroll either up or down or across more to view the whole site and all of its content.

An example of a static site is

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